During the summer of 2023, the team at Toys R Us Canada wanted to re-introduce their event promotional material. Prior to this project, each event had a post created solely and specifically using that event's creative (each creative was based on the event tile created and displayed on the Toys "R" Us Canada website).
The updated "It's Happening at Toys "R" Us" campaign was designed to simplify event promotion. When viewing events on the website, events were listed on a by month basis, meaning that all events for the month of September were available from the beginning of September and would exist on the website until the beginning of October.
This timeline-based method of providing information helped consumers know when and where all events would be held. Of course, not everybody makes a habit of checking eCommerce websites unless they're viewing or purchasing product. This in mind, there had to be a more direct way to push information to customers. Thus, began the process to re-work our method of promoting vendor sponsored events to consumers.